
New reporting standards at PKN ORLEN

Today, PKN ORLEN has published its first interactive, integrated on-line annual report, which combines financial reporting and CSR reporting, and takes into account the guidelines of the International Integrated Reporting Council. It also reflects the latest directions in the EU legislation on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information. The report’s new formula is a natural step in adapting this form of communication to market trends and stakeholder expectations.

The PKN ORLEN 2014 Integrated Report, entitled ‘Fuelling the future’, shows interactions and interrelations between the financial and non-financial aspects of PKN ORLEN’s and certain ORLEN Group companies’ operations. It reflects global standards and trends in corporate reporting, promoted by organisations such as the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). These new guidelines encourage firms to abandon performance reporting based strictly on their organisational structure in favour of a more dynamic and multidimensional approach to communication with stakeholders. The pillars of integrated reporting, which have also been taken as a basis for navigation through the PKN ORLEN report, offer a comprehensive insight into the life of the Company and its value creation efforts. The report presents non-financial data in compliance with the G4 version of the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines. It is only available on-line and is compatible with mobile devices.

For a number of years now, PKN ORLEN’s operating environment has been changing dynamically. It is our ambition not only to adapt to these changes, but also to drive them. Implementing the integrated reporting framework places us among companies setting the highest standards in communication with stakeholders. Even more importantly, it demonstrates our approach to long-term creation of the Company value. In line with the Company’s strategy, the process should be carried out in such a way as to benefit all of our stakeholders. The report’s new format facilitates the monitoring and measuring of such benefits - said Jacek Krawiec, President of the PKN ORLEN Management Board.

The report has been equipped with many interactive tools to enhance its functionality, including interactive KPIs, video materials, data comparison tools, and an on-line questionnaire which can be used to give feedback on the contents and functionality of the report. The document is available in Polish and English at www.raportzintegrowany.orlen.pl and www.integratedreport.orlen.pl/en.