
Decarbonisation strategy

ORLEN Net Zero strategy

In 2020, ORLEN, as the first oil and gas company in Central Europe, declared the objective of becoming Net Zero by 2050. The decarbonisation plans are a key element of the ORLEN Strategy 2035.

Target 2030 2035 2050

GHG emissions in Upstream & Supply and Downstream

Scope 1 and 2

mt CO2e

-13% -25% Net Zero in Scope 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with the Paris Agreement

GHG emissions intensity of Energy segment

Scope 1

Kg CO2e/MWh

-40% -55%

Net Carbon Intensity (NCI)

Scope 1,  2 and Scope 3 Category 11

g CO2e/MJ

-10% -15%

Decarbonisation strategy

ORLEN Group aims to strengthen its position as a leader in the energy transition in Central Europe, with a clear goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. As part of this ambitious plan, the company is pursuing a decarbonisation strategy that includes investments in renewable energy sources, low-carbon technologies and the development of innovative business models.

Upstream & Supply i Downstream

By 2035, ORLEN plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Upstream & Supply and Downstream segments by 25% in absolute terms compared to 2019 levels. In addition to this, the corporation has set an intermediate target to reduce emissions by 13% by 2030. These targets will be achieved by investing in low-carbon energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, reducing emissions in upstream processes and implementing carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies.


In the energy segment, ORLEN Group is planning significant changes to reduce emissions intensity by 40% by 2030 and by 55% by 2035. Key investments will focus on the development of renewable energy sources, low-carbon technologies, decarbonisation of district heating and the deployment of small SMR nuclear reactors. By the end of 2030, ORLEN aims to completely end coal-fired power generation, and by 2035 it plans to move away from coal use in district heating assets.

Net Carbon Intensity (NCI)

ORLEN Group's energy transition efforts aim to reduce its Net Carbon Intensity (NCI) by 10% by 2030 and by 15% by 2035. This reduction will result from the decarbonisation of operations in the Upstream & Supply, Downstream and Energy segments, as well as increased production of sustainable products and services. In particular, the group will focus on low- and zero-carbon electricity, alternative fuels (such as biogas, biomethane, renewable hydrogen, biofuels and synthetic fuels) and the expansion of infrastructure for capturing and storing carbon dioxide from third parties.


ORLEN Group Climate Policy

The ORLEN Group’s strategy is aligned with the global trends where the role of renewable energy and advanced petrochemicals is getting ever more prominent. Our objective is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Planned progress towards this target is defined in our strategy and the ORLEN Group Climate Policy.

About us

Strategy 2035

Our energy is the driving force of change for the region. Central and Eastern Europe is experiencing dynamic growth, yet sustaining this momentum will require a careful balance between the robust demand for traditional energy sources and the accelerating shift towards decarbonisation. Energy of tomorrow starts today.
