Painter's naphtha


Painter’s naphtha is a mixture of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It is manufactured through conservative and destructive processing of oil with application of hydrorefining and rectification processes. Painter’s naphta has light and not irritating fragrance.


  • solvent and diluent of phtalic, oil and asphalt pains.
  • cleaning agent for mechanical parts
  • fatts and waxes diluent

Physical and chemical properties

Parameters Units Values
Density in 15o C kg/m3 757
Boiling point 0C 168
97% (V/V) distilates to 0C 201
Distilation end point 0C 206,5
Colour mgJ/100ml < 1
Flash point 0C 49,5
Water content   nie zawiera
Aromatics content %(m/m) 0,5
Sulfur content mg/kg 5,1

ATTENTION: Physicochemical parameters listed in the table are typical values. Real values are stated in quality control certificates attached to each product lot.

Do you have any questions?

Jacek Forystek
Sales Representative

Mobile: +48 601 952 917

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