No. 21/2000  | 10-04-2000

The list of shareholders having a right to exercise at least 5% of total votes at the EGMs

Under Art. 148, item 3 of the Law on Public Trading of Securities dated 21 August 1997 (Official Journal of Bills No 118, item 754 with the later amendments) The Management Board of Polski Koncern Naftowy S.A. wishes to announce a list of shareholders having a right to exercise at least 5% of total votes at the Extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of PKN S.A. held on April 3, 2000


No Shareholder

 Number of shares owned    


   Type of shares  

   Number of votes exercised upon shares   
1 TREASURY 43.641.224   ordinary                43.641.224                
2 NAFTA POLSKA S.A.             185.123.997   ordinary 185.123.997
3 THE BANK OF NEW YORK in New York         88.597.990   ordinary 88.597.990