No. 39/2000 | 15-06-2000
PKN ORLEN signed an agreement with Inowroclawskie Kopalnie Soli "Solino"
Under Art. 81, par.1, item 2 of the Law on Public Trading of Securities dated 21 August 1997 (Official Journal of Bills No 118, item 754 with the later amendments) the Management Board of Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. informs that Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. signed with Inowroclawskie Kopalnie Soli “Solino” an agreement for the lease of storage capacities built under the investment called “Underground Storage Facility for Oil and Fuels in Gora near Inowroclaw”. Transfer of the lease claim upon this agreement secures the loan for the above investment.