No. 42/2000  | 30-06-2000

Regional Retail Offices

Under Art. 81 par. 1, item 2 of the Law on Public Trading of Securities dated 21 August, 1997 (Official Journal of Bills No 118, item 754 with the later amendments) the Management Board of Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. informs that on 1st July 2000 Regional Retail Offices are starting their operations within the organisational structure of PKN ORLEN S.A. Together with formerly created Regional Offices of Wholesale and Logistics they will determine 12 Regional Organisational Units (Regions).

Regional Retail Offices will be responsible for management of the retail outlets network i.e. planning and supervision of sales as well as service, goods and client treatment quality together with implementation of PKN ORLEN's policy in the field of retail sales of fuels and other products. They will also monitor implementation of PKN ORLEN's image and promotion programme.

Regional Retail Offices will also be handling organisation of sales and services in the outlets as well as pricing policy consistent with the strategy of PKN ORLEN S.A. Regional Retail Offices will have their principal offices in Bialystok, Gdansk, Katowice, Kielce, Krakow, Olsztyn, Lodz, Poznan, Szczecin, Warszawa and Wroclaw.

New organisational structure of services for the Regions ( maintenance, administration, IT, finance and accountancy services) will be formed on the basis of property and staff from 17 Branches of PKN ORLEN S.A. remained after creation of Regional Retail Offices. The Branches will be closed down after restructuring of the above mentioned services.