No. 52/2000  | 26-07-2000


Changes in the composition of the Company's Board

Under Art. 81 par. 1, item 2 of the Law on Public Trading of Securities dated 21 August, 1997 (Official Journal of Bills No 118, item 754 with the later amendments) the Management Board of Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. informs that on July 25, 2000 the Management Board of Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN, according to § 10, item 11 and § 11, item 3 of the Board Regulations S.A., agreed the following changes in the composition of the Company's Board:

Mr Jaroslaw Tyc - Vice-President of the Management Board, Employee and Restructuring Director to be appointed Retail Trade Director;

Mr Wojciech Weiss - Member of the Management Board, Integration Director to be appointed Employee and Restructuring Director;

Mr Tadeusz Szczerba - Member of the Management Board, Retail Trade Director to be appointed Integration Director.

At the same time, under § 9, par.5 of PKN ORLEN's Statute and § 10. par 2 of the Board Regulations the Management Board of PKN ORLEN S.A. passed resolution on changes in the Organisational Structure of PKN ORLEN S.A. according to which Director of Retail Outlets Network and Department of Fleet and Loyalty Card were moved from Wholesale and Logistics Director under Retail Trade Director.

The above changes come into effect on August 1, 2000 and will contribute to integration and improvement of the retail management under Retail Trade Director. The appointment of the Vice-President the Retail Trade Director proves PKN ORLEN's care and attention to functioning and development of the Company's retail outlets network. The Vice-President has been so far engaged in monitoring operations both in Retail Outlets Network and Fleet and Loyalty Card.