No. 55/2000 | 28-07-2000
Information on financial data for Q 2, 2000
Under § 4, par. 1, item 33 and § 38 of Ministry Decree dated 22 December 1998 concerning the nature, form and scope of current and periodical information as well as time when such information is bound to be forwarded by issuer admitted to public trading (Official Journal of Bills No. 163, item 1160) the Management Board of Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A. informs of forwarding to the Polish Central Statistics Office information on financial data for Q 2, 2000:
1. Date of forwarding information to the Polish Central Statistics Office - 13.00 hours, July 28, 2000
2. Financial data for 1st half 2000 (in thousands PLN):
- Net sales revenues on goods and products: 11 506 171.3
- Profit from operations: 455 511.1
- Profit before income tax: 372 335.2
- Net profit: 257 751.1