No. 44/2022  |  10-08-2022  |  18:21

Admission and introduction to stock exchange trading on the WSE Main Market of merger shares and delisting of Grupa Lotos shares

PKN ORLEN S.A. („Company”) informs that on 10 August 2022 the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (“WSE”), in connection with the merger between PKN ORLEN and Grupa Lotos Spółka Akcyjna, headquartered in Gdańsk (“Grupa LOTOS”), has adopted following resolutions:

- regarding delisting of Grupa LOTOS shares on 12 August 2022 from the Main Market of the WSE,

- regarding admission and introduction to stock exchange trading on the WSE Main Market of 198.738.864 ordinary bearer series E shares with a nominal value of PLN 1,25 each (“Series E shares”). WSE Management Board decided to introduce Series E shares on 12 August 2022 to stock exchange trading on the main market, under the condition that the Central Securities Depository of Poland (“KDPW”) on 12 August 2022 will register that shares and will mark them with code PLPKN0000018.


Introduction of Series E shares to regulated market was the last condition of registration of Series E shares by KDPW, therefore, the conditions of registration of Series E shares in securities depository have been fulfilled.


See also: regulatory announcement no 26/2018 as of 27 February 2018, no 106/2018 as of 30 November 2018, no 31/2019 as of 3 July 2019, no 34/2019 as of 26 August 2019, no 42/2020 as of 14 July 2020, no 43/2020 as of 14 July 2020, no 45/2021 as of 12 November 2021, no 1/2022 as of 12 January 2022, no 2/2022 as of 12 January 2022, no 23/2022 as of 2 June 2022, no 24/2022 as of 2 June 2022, no 26/2022 as of 20 June 2022, no 27/2022 as of 23 June 2022, no 28/2022 as of 23 June 2022, no 29/2022 as of 4 July 2022, 32/2022 as of 20 July 2022, 33/2022 as of 20 July 2022, 34/2022 as of 21 July 2022, 38/2022 as of 1 August 2022, 40/2022 as of 3 August 2022 and 43/2022 as of 10 August 2022.