No. 11/2025  |  07-03-2025  |  16:50

Dismissal of the statements of claims for annulment of the resolutions of Ordinary General Meeting of ORLEN S.A.

ORLEN S.A. (“Company”) hereby informs that on 7 March 2025 the District Court in Łódź, X Commercial Division, has dismissed in whole the statements of claims filed by the Company’s shareholder for annulment or repeal of the following resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of ORLEN on 25 June 2024:

- Resolution No 18 on discharge of member of the Management Board, Mr Piotr Sabat of liability for his activities in 2023,

- Resolution No 19 on discharge of member of the Management Board, Mr Krzysztof Nowicki of liability for his activities in 2023.

The verdicts are not final.

See also: the regulatory announcement no 46/2024 as of 5 August 2024.