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Bodies and Structure

Shareholders structure

  Number of shares Number of votes Percentage of total
vote held
Percentage of share
capital held

State Treasury*
579 310 079 579 310 079 49.90% 49.90%
Nationale-Nederlanden OFE*
66 451 874 66 451 874 5.72% 5.72%
Others 515 180 096 515 180 096 44,38% 44,38%
Total 1 160 942 049 1 160 942 049 100% 100%

* According to the information from the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting which was convened for 2 December 2024 

ORLEN's share capital accounts for PLN 1 451 177 561,25 and is divided into PLN 1 160 942 049 ordinary bearer shares of a nominal value of PLN 1,25 each.

ORLEN S.A. shares are issued in the following series:
Nr serii Year of issue Number of shares Nominal value
series A 1999 336 000 000
1,25 PLN
series B 1999 6 971 496 1,25 PLN
series C 1999 77 205 641 1,25 PLN
series D 2000 7 531 924 1,25 PLN
series E 2022 198 738 864 1,25 PLN
series F 2022 534 494 124 1,25 PLN
WSE Ticker PKN