Responsibility and dialogue are the underlying principles of our stakeholder relations. We seek to build them on integrity, transparency, mutual respect and professionalism.
W trosce o jakość naszych relacji dostosowujemy częstotliwość i kanały komunikacji do charakterystyki i aktualnych oczekiwań wybranej grupy interesariuszy. Prowadzimy z nimi dialog i to od nich wiemy, jakie są ich potrzeby i co możemy zrobić, by Grupa ORLEN rosła w siłę. W listopadzie 2020 r. przeprowadziliśmy dialog z interesariuszami, by zweryfikować mapę interesariuszy:
Society and the environment are in the centre of our attention. We start and finish every activity with the same thought: are we doing enough for society and the environment? It is a basis of our day-to-day work. More specifically, we focus primarily on the needs of our inner-circle stakeholders, i.e. key stakeholders, as they help the ORLEN Group grow stronger. These individuals and entities have a direct influence on our operations, and determine our growth direction and methods. There are also important stakeholders, i.e. outer-circle stakeholders, who have an indirect impact on our operations.