
The ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation

Operating in the Czech Republic, the ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation was established in 2016. Its core mission is to support education and popularise science, with a special focus on natural and engineering sciences.

The Foundation runs a scholarship programme for secondary school and university students standing out for excellent academic performance and talent for natural sciences, especially chemistry and technology. The Foundation’s grant programme, on the other hand, is targeted at kindergartens, as well as primary and secondary schools to help them expand their educational activities and run interesting scientific projects. The Foundation also runs a grant programme for teachers.

Journey into the world of chemistry

Committed to supporting education and related activities, the Foundation demonstrates that chemistry is a modern and fascinating branch of science, holding endless discoveries and opportunities for future applications. The Foundation organises conferences focused on innovative education and up-to-the-minute educational trends, along with workshops designed for teachers. The objective is to inspire educators to impart lessons in a manner that would enhance enjoyment in learning and leave students more satisfied. The Foundation’s major projects include: Plastic and Its Magic Suitcase, Miraculous Day with Chemistry, Flying Teacher, 4EDU Conference, Summer Workshops for Teachers, Fridays with Science lectures for students, and mobile EDUbus Laboratory.

The Foundation also engages with a number of not-for-profit organisations, frequently getting involved in community events and special occasions. In 2002 ORLEN Unipetrol became a strategic partner of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, providing support for its educational and development projects. The ORLEN Unipetrol Foundation has also forged collaboration with municipalities near its production plants (Litvínov, Kralupy nad Vltavou and Neratovice).